Saturday, September 14, 2024

Characters done!

 So I finally finished all the refs and current designs for every character I plan on having in Animals and Chaos. You can view them here. All I need to do now is update or add bios and I'm all set.

About the animation I was talking about, I'm close to completing it but I fell behind because I ended up becoming demotivated. It'll get done eventually.

also Mom asked me to help for her halloween costume, so now I'm very busy with that and I don't have that much free time with school and all.

Sorry that wasn't much, I just felt like I needed to update this blog.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Junior year, do your worst!

 So today marks the second week of school. Already I'm not enjoyin' it. They decided to just straight up ban cellphone usage in class. I can still use my phone, but only in passing period and in lunch. I understand why a rule like this is in place, I've known kids who went the whole school year scrolling on their phones and doing absolutely nothing, but apparently if you don't put your phone up for long enough they get security on your ass. Like dude it's a fucking phone! What do you think it's a bomb or something?
This rule nearly caused me to get homeschooled because I suffer from misophonia and using music was my main way of blocking out sounds. Already I'm starting to lose it, you do NOT realize how much people fucking tap or click in class unless if you too have this disorder. My misophonia basically ruined my life. It pulled out my hair, stabbed my back, stuck a lit cigarette on my arm, and just when I think I finally escape the torture with a personal device, the school goes ahead and takes that away so this malignant tumor can give me a good kick in the balls. I may have different device privileges because I was put in a special education program, but I've already accepted my phoneless fate.

Outside of that and just having to deal with obnoxious kids all day, I think I'm content with most of my classes. All my teachers seem cool, except my history teacher. She's not giving me great vibes. She keeps interrupting the lesson with stuff like "woah ain't this so terrible this was so bad this was sooooo horrible could you believe it" and trust me it gets really annoying.
I get that history is brutal and it shouldn't be glossed over nor sugarcoated but imagine reading a history book and every time it explained something gorey the author went "Could you believe it guys? What if this happened on Tiktok?"
Basically she's this meme.

I gotta get used to it. It wouldn't be my first rodeo with this kind of teacher. At least this is a history teacher so she has somewhat of a reason to say that stuff unlike my Freshman English teacher where she kept going on about how all minority groups are oppressed and if you aren't a straight white upperclass man you will DIE!! Almost all of that shit was completely uncalled for. Also she was one of the few teachers who knew I was trans (at the time? I think I'm genderfluid more than anything) and basically used that status to make me feel utterly hopeless and think I was gonna die in a hate crime or something. Never again.

Anyways that's enough of my school ranting. How's my projects coming along? Any work on Animals and Chaos? Well work on AaC is currently paused since I simply got tired of working on it all summer. I'm working on the secret spoiler characters in the series, so even if I was doing something nobody would know. I am, however, working on a new animation. Don't know how long this will take me but it's quite fun to work on! It also marks the first animation I'll make with a frame rate of 16 FPS. This is because the song I'm animating is very fast paced and I felt like my usual 14 FPS looked static and stiff paired up with the song. If some of the movements in the video seem too fast, this is why. Not used to animating on higher frame rates.

Thanks for reading my rant about how much of a big stinkie high school is. With love, Judas. 💜🖤

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Pain, angst, and chaos.

 Ok so here's an update on everything. School's rearing its ugly head soon, which is fun. I swear, that school was created solely just to shit on me, everything goes wrong, I'm constantly shoved into programs that just blame me for everything and I don't have a voice to reject any of that garbage. God I hate special ed.

But anyways this summer I was mainly focused on Animals and Chaos more than anything else. I'm constantly reworking all the characters, redesigning them if needed, and adding new faces. There's a lot of stuff I gotta do before I hop into things. And there's the sinking feeling that if I don't do this and don't do that everything will fall apart. 

And here's something about me, since I use my right hand so much I've developed chronic pain in my dominant hand and currently it's really fighting against me. I was diagnosed with tennis elbow and I fear I might have to go to a doctor again for carpal tunnel. There's no way I can really fully heal from this unless if I just absolutely never use my dominant hand at all for months. Add on that I'll have to go to school soon where I'll be using my right hand even more and I'm in for a world of hurt.

Also I got some other real life stuff on my hands. I'm learning to drive and I'm eyeing my local art store as my first job. Hopefully I can get all that sorted out soon enough, I'm tired of being in the house all day long with barely anything to do besides work some more.

Friday, July 26, 2024


 Hi y'all. This is Judas speaking. I am an artist and animator from the United States. I am new to Blogger so sorry if this site is a little bit broken but I opened this blog to showcase my art, ideas, and concepts easily. I would use Tumblr, but the userbase makes me queasy.

On this blog you will see more behind the scenes stuff regarding my projects, especially for my work-in-progress webcomic, Animals and Chaos. I'm still getting the hang of everything, so I might not be super active. 

While no pornography will be present on this website, this blog may contain images or video depicting fictional violence and gore. If you are under the age of 16, tread with caution. Viewer discretion is advised.



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